Supporting You In Family Law Matters
Family law handles matters related to familial relationships such as divorce, parentage, child support, child custody and division of community property. Many of these issues require experienced, knowledgeable legal counsel in order to ensure the best possible outcome. An attorney who understands California family law can be a great help in all aspects of a case.
Matters Of Parentage
When a child is born to a married couple, there is usually no question regarding parentage. It is automatically assumed under the law that the wife is the mother and the husband is the father. In those cases, paternity is typically established automatically. However, when the parents are not married, the parentage of the children must be legally established. If the couple separates, a parentage action is required in order to for the mother to legally seek child support and for the father to get visitation. However, there are many reasons for paternity suits to establish parentage of minor children.
Matters Of Divorce
Under California Family Code, California is a no-fault state. This means that there are no grounds for divorce. However, a spouse’s behavior or activity that led up to the divorce may have some bearing on matters of the divorce such as division of property, alimony and even visitation of the couple’s children. These issues are best handled by an attorney who can bring them before a judge and present them appropriately.
Children And Divorce
All too often, the children of divorce suffer the most. California child custody laws stress the importance in seeking what is in the best interest of the child or children. It provides two policies for guidance:
- That the welfare, safety, and health of the child or children is the primary concern of the court, and
- That the child or children benefit from continuing and frequent contact with both parents.
These policies are used in determining custody of the minor children as well as parenting time (visitation). This may be done through mediation or before a judge. Either way, it is vital to have the counsel of a California family law attorney to ensure that the children’s best interests are well represented.
Compassion Is Our Goal
We serve families throughout San Diego and California and our attorneys are bilingual speaking both English and Mandarin. Call 858-952-0711 or email today to speak to a competent, qualified, caring family law attorney and get the help that you need.