最近讨论和咨询EB-1A杰出人才移民的有增加,一方面是因为杰出人才是第一优先类绿卡,目前无排期,且是少有的中国公民没有排期的绿卡类别;二是杰出人才绿卡不需要通过雇主申请,不需要申请劳工证,即使没有offer也可以自己提出申请;三是移民局2022财年宣布增加EB-1类杰出人才绿卡和EB-2类职业移民的配额。但据我们所接触的咨询,很多申请人其实还是并不完全了解杰出人才申请要求和标准,无法更好地判断自己是否符合申请要求。希望本文能给需要了解此类移民的各位提供些实操经验分享。 1. 杰出人才绿卡有行业和领域限制吗? 没有。...
Visa Options and Alternatives for Nationals of Ukraine
This article lists some information on visa options and alternatives for Ukraine nationals following the Russia-Ukraine crisis. Temporary Protected Status (TPS) Temporary Protected Status (TPS) affords temporary lawful presence to eligible individuals already present...
How to Set Up Employer Account for H-1B Selection Registration
Initial registration period for the fiscal year 2023 H-1B cap will open tomorrow at noon Eastern on March 1 and run through noon Eastern on March 18, 2022. USCIS intends to notify account holders if their registration is selected by March 31. Here is how employers can...
美國國務院在本週二 5 月 18 日宣布,凡是在美國境外出生的小孩,如果其雙親在小孩出生時有合法登記結婚,且雙親一方是美國公民並且要符合其他列在美國移民及歸化法上的條件,則小孩可以獲得美國公民身份。該新規只針對在美國境外出生的小孩。 在境內出生的小孩,由於國籍法的屬地原則,無論雙親的國籍,小孩出生自動獲得美國國籍。國務院的這一新規被視為同性婚姻伴侶的勝利,因為該新規的主要受益對象是同性婚姻伴侶在海外代孕所生的小孩。 美國的出生公民權(birthright citizenship)的取得主要是兩方面:...
AILA Published Key Takeaways From Its October 3, 2019 Liaison Meeting with DOS
American Immigration Lawyers Association (AILA) Liaison Committee had a meeting with the DOS Visa Officer on October 3, 2019. Below is a published summary of the topics discussed and clarified by the DOS during the meeting. Form DS-160 Although it is technically...
新年伊始,本文整理了特朗普政府去年移民政策的主要变动。 上调加急(Premium Processing)申请费。从2019年12月2日起,加急申请费从$1,410上调至$1,440. 加急申请适用于大部分I-129非移民类工作申请(宗教类工作申请除外,除非该工作地点已通过移民局实地考察)以及大部分I-140移民类工作绿卡申请(国家利益豁免绿卡除外)。...
USCIS to Implement Online Registration Process for FY 2021 H-1B Cap Subject Petitions
In case you have missed it, USCIS announced on January 10, 2020 that employers seeking to file FY2021 H-1B cap-subject petitions, including those eligible for the advanced degree exemption, must first electronically register and pay an associated $10 fee for each...
How to Respond to ICE I-9 Notice of Inspection (NOI)
We recently received inquiries from employers asking about I-9 compliance requirements and how to respond to an I-9 Notice of Inspection (NOI) issued by the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). The most frequently asked questions are: what is the response...