Initial registration period for the fiscal year 2023 H-1B cap will open tomorrow at noon Eastern on March 1 and run through noon Eastern on March 18, 2022. USCIS intends to notify account holders if their registration is selected by March 31. Here is how employers can...
Work Visa
新财年H-1B申请即将开始。我们整理了客人们咨询得最多的一些问题。为大家的申请答疑解惑。 1. 初创公司可以申请H-1B吗?公司规模大小会影响H-1B申请吗? 初创公司可以申请H-1B。任何规模的公司都可以为其外籍雇员提供H-1B申请支持。公司大小不是决定其能否替雇员申请H-1B的条件,只要这家公司具有支付薪水的能力,并且提供给外籍员工的职位是真实的职位,能提供足够的专业工作量即可。 2. 自己创业开的公司可以给自己申请H-1B吗? 可以。但建议在注册公司时提前咨询移民律师,了解self-employed...
USCIS Plans to Adopt a Wage-Based Selection Process for H-1Bs To Be Effective in 60 Days
Today, USCIS released an advance copy of new rule that will amend current H-1B lottery procedures, allowing prioritize wages to ensure H-1B visas are awarded to the most highly skilled foreign workers. The new rule is scheduled to be formally published on January 8,...
USCIS to Implement Online Registration Process for FY 2021 H-1B Cap Subject Petitions
In case you have missed it, USCIS announced on January 10, 2020 that employers seeking to file FY2021 H-1B cap-subject petitions, including those eligible for the advanced degree exemption, must first electronically register and pay an associated $10 fee for each...